With almost a year out to give way for our ‘V.E Day’ special and, the now permanent fixture, ‘Land of Hop and Glory’, we are very happy to announce that Palmerston’s Folly will be back on the shelves and in cask tomorrow!

Sitting on the top of Portsdown Hill, the forts (Lord Palmerston’s Follies) were built in the mid 1800’s to defend Portsmouth’s Dockyard from potential invasions from the French. With the fields surrounding the forts now growing Suthwyk Ales wheat and barley, and the French now allies of ours, it seemed fitting to create a beer with a combination of wheat and barley which gives Palmerston’s Folly a more continental taste to it. With a dryness you would expect from a wheaty beer and a hint of honey in the aftertaste, Palmerston’s Folly is going to be a welcome refreshment this summer!

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